Periodontal disease is a host microbe immune inflammatory disease. Host microbe biofilm or dental plaque is the main etiological factor for periodontal disease initiation and progression. The control of dental plaque by mechanical plaque control is the mainstay of the treatment which is usually insufficient. Therefore, adjunct chemical plaque control measures like mouthrinses, full mouth disinfection and local drug delivery are required. Chlorhexidine is the gold standard drug in chemical plaque control measures. However, it is associated with various side-effects like tooth discoloration, oral hypersensitivity,altered taste sensation and cytotoxic and gentotoxic effects. In our study we have used micronuclei as a marker of genotoxicity in buccal cells of chronic gingivitis patients and had shown that chlorhexidine use is associated with incremental and cumulative genotoxicity.Thus, Chlorhexidine should be used judiciously after doing risk-benefit analysis.
Keywords: Plaque control,Gingivitis, Micronuclie, Genotoxicity